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Karen Urquhart 8 min
Nov 16, 2022Email marketing should be a staple in every brand's toolkit. It might not be the newest, most exciting form of marketing, but it works! When done right, email marketing can help grow engagement and drive between 20-30% of your total revenue.
If you’re just starting out with email marketing, or are looking to fine tune your skills, this article outlines eight best practices you should follow to optimize your emails and create your most lucrative campaigns yet.
A no-reply email is an address that uses the format “” When a consumer agrees to receive email communications from your business, it means they want to learn more about your brand and what you do. By using a no-reply email address, it automatically gives the user the impression that they value the relationship with your brand more than you do since it blocks the ability to have two-way communication. Imagine the frustration of the user when they click “reply”, spend time crafting a well thought out email with helpful feedback, or a pressing question, only to receive an email back saying “Cannot deliver”.
Beyond limiting your ability to build a two way relationship with your customers, using a no-reply email can also significantly impact your delivery rates. The big issue with no-reply email addresses is that many spam filters from internet service providers and email providers are designed to filter out emails from these addresses. That means your emails could end up in your contacts' spam folder before they even get the chance to see it, causing them to miss out on important updates or amazing deals.
Short emails are more likely to perform better. It's that simple. According to a study conducted by Boomerang - a productivity software platform that syncs with Gmail, emails with a word count between 50 - 125 words have the highest response rate. You should experiment with and test your emails to see what works best for your brand's audience but this is a great data driven guideline to help inform your decision making. The key takeaway here is to avoid lengthy emails and be concise to avoid losing your reader’s interest.
If you want to build great rapport with your audience, using language they can relate to is a must. How you communicate with your audience plays a huge role in how they view your brand, and adding a relatable, human element to your marketing converts you from just another business trying to push their products to a more reliable, trustworthy brand. Talking directly to the customer in a language they understand, instead of talking at the customer in a stiff, professional tone can be the difference between a customer who makes a purchase and a customer who unsubscribes from your email list.
Delivering personalized content to a contact drastically increases the likelihood of them engaging with that content. Why? Because it helps create a human connection and adds a personal touch to your communications. Going out of your way to tailor your email marketing shows your customers you care, and this can have a significant impact on your revenue. In fact, marketers typically see a 20% increase in sales when their email campaigns are personalized. Suffice to say that it’s worth creating an email experience that is unique to each subscriber, which can be done in a number of ways. Here are just a few to help get you started:
An email is only as effective as its open rate. Think of the subject line as your first impression. From the moment you interact with a consumer, what you say will influence their decision to purchase, and emails are no different. The subject line is the first thing your subscribers see when they are scrolling through their already overflowing inbox, and it’s one of the only tools you have to convince them that opening your email is worth their time. That’s why crafting a thoughtful, compelling subject line is so important. Try these three tips to create the perfect subject line for your next email campaign:
CTA’s (Call to Action) are critical when it comes to email marketing. A marketing email without a call to action is like a sun roof on a submarine - impractical. CTA’s are what drive your reader to take action, and convert. Whether it's a newsletter, product launch, or promotion, having one clear, definitive call to action can do wonders for your KPI's. According to WordStream, emails with one singular call to action can increase clicks by 371% and sales by 1617%. Are you convinced yet? Similar to that of your subject line, your CTA should be short, concise and use action oriented words, in addition to being a bold, stand alone button for the best results.
Simple but effective. Your logo is a huge part of your brand identity, and including it in your marketing emails creates instant recognition for your readers. A study conducted by Red Sift and Entrust found that brand recall increased by 18% after a five-second exposure when including a logo in the email and the likelihood that the viewer made a purchase increased by 34% in emails where logos were included.
Great copy mixed with complimentary visuals is a recipe for success. Visual content allows you to strengthen your message and convey information that you otherwise wouldn't be able to communicate. In fact, combining relevant images with text increases how much your audience remembers by 650%. Screenshots, videos, professional photos and even GIF’s can be used to add visual interest to your emails and increase overall engagement.
By consistently applying these rules to your email marketing efforts you will see a boost in your email engagement, improve your click-through rate and drive more conversions. When you carefully curate your content and put thought behind your decisions, every email becomes a bonafide opportunity to grow your business.
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