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Signs Your Wine DTC Software is Stuck in 2009

Andrew Kamphuisclock 2 min

Jan 8, 2020

Happy New Year!!! Its 2019. Is your Wine DTC software still operating like it's 2009?

  1. If your customers can’t pay you via Apple Pay your software might be stuck in 2009.
  2. If your software can’t handle an international customer your software might be stuck in 2009.
  3. If your software can’t handle a customer with two email addresses or two phone numbers your software might be stuck in 2009.
  4. If your software can’t run in multiple tabs in a browser your software might be stuck in 2009.
  5. If your customer’s cart expires after a day your software might be stuck in 2009.
  6. If it takes all day to process your club your software might be stuck in 2009.
  7. If your software can’t handle timezones from locations outside of California your software might be stuck in 2009.
  8. If your backend software can’t be accessed from a mobile phone your software might be stuck in 2009.
  9. If your software’s APIs are all SOAP based you know your software is stuck in 2009.
  10. If your software charges you or others to access your own data to build apps your software might be stuck in 2009.
  11. If your website requires people to enter in all their information and set up an account before ordering, you might be stuck in 2009.
  12. If your website can’t change recommendations and content based on who’s visiting your site might be stuck in 2009.

We sometimes joke and talk about how backwards the wine industry is. It doesn’t have to be. It’s 2019. Our software should be built like it’s 2019.


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