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Combat chargebacks effectively by capturing new wine club members' electronic signatures in the Commerce7 POS.
Combat chargebacks effectively and reduce your wine club onboarding process by up to 90% with electronic signatures in the Commerce7 POS.
In a typical winery setting a host or server hands over a physical document for the new wine club member to fill out. Some of the forms are not easy to read. Depending on the policy of the winery, membership discounts sometimes are not applied until the club card is completed and signed and the information is entered into the club management system.
Some club members are a bit impatient and may not appreciate having to wait for the server to understand their handwriting and complete the process.
Wineries report that this leads to a poor first experience for wine club members and may contribute to club attrition, right from the beginning.
In addition, wine club managers need to invest a considerable amount of time confirming contact information because of missing information or typographic errors. This can also create friction between employees.
And talk about those pesky chargebacks! Customers sometimes "forget" they signed up for your wine club and sometimes they fight the credit card charges for the next shipment.
With the Club eSignature app for Commerce7 you can onboard club members in a fraction of the time it takes to do so with paper forms. You can delight your customers while confirming contact information accuracy, all in one simple 4-step process.
The Club eSignature app uses the information already in Commerce7 to assemble and send a document to the new club member for signature on their mobile device! Your customer will love this and so will you!
Imagine how productive your team will be without having to do 10 phone calls a day to confirm and correct new membership information.
Also, you have a legally-binding document in your hands to fight and win those chargeback claims!
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