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Shopping Feed

Exports a live list of your inventory that is properly formatted so it can be imported into Google Shopping, Facebook Business, Vivino, and Wine-Searcher. Save time and frustration from building and maintaining these feed.

$25.00 / month

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Dashboard of the app. Easily copy and paste the link to each platform's feed.
Dashboard of the app. Easily copy and paste the link to each platform's feed.
Customize names and descriptions for each product if you want to.
Example of spreadsheet the app automatically exports for you. Don't worry if this looks confusing, you never need to edit it yourself! The app does this automatically.


Are you running ads on Google or Facebook and want to feature your products? In order to run Google Shoppings Ads or Dynamic Product Ads or Catalog Ads on Facebook you need a list of your product. Sure, you can manually update a spreadsheet, but odds are you'll forget to update it when you sell out of a wine. You'll end up wasting money on ads for sold out wine and spending a lot of time updating spreadsheets.

This app creates a live and up-to-date spreadsheet of all of your wines in your inventory so you can automate your product lisitng.

1) Simply install our app, then go through each wine to toggle which you want to feature or not in your product feeds. 

2) Thats it! 

3) The app provides a link to a spreadsheet properly formatted for each platform that you can copy and paste. 


From there, you can set up your ads in Google, Facebook, Vivino, Wine-Searcher and rest assured your product data is up to date. If you aren't sure how to run ads on these platforms, reach out to us at


$25.00 will be billed monthly


This app is built and supported by Highway 29 Creative.