Commerce7 has acquired WineDirect's SaaS division. Learn More
Winealytics helps you know your customers like you know your wine. With reports tailored to your needs, a library of 100+ “best practices” visualizations, and a dedicated analyst to curate the results, you get the answers you need without the overhead.
Winealytics provides tailored customer analysis so you know your customer as well as you know your wines. By combining your Commerce7 data with your digital marketing and communications metrics, you get a full view of your customer lifecycle from first touch through lifetime value. We provide reports built to track your specific strategies and inform your critical decisions, as well as a library of 100+ reports to show you key trends driving your winery's results.
Best of all, we provide an analyst to monitor and review the reports with your team. That way your staff gets the answers they need to grow the winery without the overhead of learning new tools or moonlighting as a data analyst. In short, you have the analytics operation of a major winery for a fraction of the cost.
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