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Yno Neighborly Industry Referral Tracking

Stop randomly handing out 2-for-1 tasting coupons! Yno Neighborly enables you to create and track the success of your local outreach programs by creating unique coupons for each of your industry neighbors–resulting in better leads for your tasting room.

$15.00 / month

Install App
Review referral performance by date in the app dashboard
Review referral performance by date in the app dashboard
Build referral coupons directly in the app
Print referral coupons directly from app


Create and track industry referral coupons for local wineries, hotels, tour companies, etc.. that help drive traffic to your tasting room.

Neighborly provides the following services and benefits:

  • Stores referrers and creates unique coupons for them
  • Graphically produces printable coupons for referrers to hand out
  • Tracks customers sales and club signups related to each referral
  • Compares referral sales to non-referral sales over time

Stop guessing and start tracking your tasting room leads with Yno Neighborly!


$15.00 will be billed monthly


This app is built and supported by Yno Software.